Monday 14 November 2011

Walk in the woods

Today we were supposed to be visiting a cave and explore it but bad luck continues to follow us. This time it was completely out of our control. We left Dora's place in her car and set off to the cave. Everything was going along fine, until we took the narrow mountain road leading to the cave. The roads in Switzerland are winding and sometimes you cannot anticipate what is around the corner. Like I said we commenced driving on this narrow road, when we were suddenly confronted with a section of road filled with fallen rocks. Dora was not able to avoid these rocks and as a result her small car was damaged. Luckily for us we were able to temporarily fix it but it became obvious that the car needed to be taken to the local mechanic for further repairs. At the local garage we were fortunate to run into 2 very friendly and willing people who helped Dora with her car and made it drivable again but they did not have the part required to repair the car. The people here also suggested that we do something else today as the weather was not in our favour for our planned trip. They said that tomorrow's weather would provide for better photo opportunities. We decided to take their advice and decided to go for an easy walk in the local woods. We ended up going for a 4 hour walk. I have managed to make some photos, mainly of the local flora, but also of some cows wearing the cow bell that reminds of the sound of wind chimes back in Australia and I have made some photos of the Alps and houses here in Mannedorf. Well I am still a bit jet lagged but it is getting better. Hopefully we will be able to explore the cave and lake tomorrow.

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